Department of Information Technology |
The department of Information Technology was established in the year 2001 with intake of 60 and an aim to enhance the IT workface in the country. The department is well equipped with latest IT requirements which will enrich the students knowledge to compete with the industry requirement. All hardware and software developement in the feild of IT are taught to the students apart from the university syllabus.
Distinguished Alumni
The department is extremely proud of its alumni, considerable number of them being entrepreneurs of senior executives in the industries.

The department conducts various continuing education programmes for TNPCEE and school teachers. Faculty members and students are provided with oppurtunities to join as members of professional societies such as ISTE, CSI and IEEE. The department has signed MOU with industries such as Rampro infotech and AGNI softwares Pvt. Ltd.
We have Inarguated the Online Digital Library in which all our curriculum text books & university question papers are available in the website,itsparklib.
Special Courses offered to the students
- Linux and Administration
- Embeded Linux basics
- Developing web applications usings usingVisual c# and NET
- Exploring object oriented concepts \ using C, C++ and Java
- C, C++ and Dotnet
Laboratory Facilities
- Multimedia Lab
- Linux Advance Lab
- CASE Tools Lab
- WI-FI Networking