Department of Electrical And Electronics Engineering (ME - Power Electronics and Drives ) |
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was started in the year 2003 and the Department offers Master of Engineering in Power Electronics and Drives from 2010 onwards with intake 18.
The Department offers theoretical and practical expertise to the post graduate students. The department laboratories are well equipped with sophisticated equipments and commensurate with licensed electronic designed software such as MATLAB, MAT CAD, PSPICE and PSIM.

The Department has well qualified, dedicated Engineering faculties who have been the training force behind the rapid success of the department. The Department has well established library with national and international journal, e-journals and subject oriented CD’s as a part of computer based tutorials for the enrichment of the student’s knowledge.
The Department has signed MOU with industries such as:
- Sands Instrumentation Pvt. Ltd, Chennai
- Vi - Microsystems Pvt Ltd, Chennai
- I-Square Systems, Coimbatore
- Mighty electronics Pvt. Ltd, Coimbatore.
- Megatronics Pvt. Ltd, Coimbatore.
- ME-Power Electronics and Drives Lab
- Simulation Lab